Our Leadership
Terri DePatis
Music / Worship Director
Assists pastor in planning and implementation of worship service to create a transformative environment to produce passionate followers of Jesus Christ.
Jake Sampson
The custodian's mission is to provide a safe, attractive, orderly and clean facility from which to worship and do outreach.
Helene Atkinson
Women's Bible Fellowship and Operation Christmas Child Chairperson
Chair of the Women's Bible Fellowship who's goal is to be a community of women seeking to know GOD and to experience freedom as whole persons through JESUS CHRIST.
Chair of Operation Christmas child which is a global program facilitated through hundreds of thousands of trained volunteers. Local believers in more than 100 countries deliver Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts, present the Gospel, and facilitate our follow-up discipleship program, The Greatest Journey
Rebecca Lock
Missions Chairperson
Chair of the Mission Committee which concentrates on education, worship, Christian formation, membership care, small groups, and stewardship. Give attention to developing and strengthening evangelistic efforts of sharing of personal and congregational stories of Christian experience, faith, and service; communications; Lay Servant Ministries; and other means that give expressions of witness for Jesus Christ.
Joe & Susie Pokorny
Your Obedient Servant Mission Camp Directors
Chair of the Your Obedient Servant Mission Camp giving young adults an opportunity to spend a week on a life-changing journey serving others with the Your Obedient Servants Ministry in the Land of Lincoln. YOSM provides safe sites and an experienced young adult staff that knows and loves the community and the youth.