There was a welcome moment at last night’s Oscar ceremony that deserves mention.
And no – I’m not talking about Will Smith’s slap of Chris Rock heard around the world, but rather what he said in his acceptance speech for the best actor award.
"Denzel said to me a few minutes ago, ‘At your highest moment, be careful. That’s when the devil comes for you,'" Smith said, referring to his friend, Denzel Washington.
Hurray for them both!
It’s rare for Hollywood to acknowledge religion at all. And if it does, it’s usually a demeaning swipe. Religious orthodoxy has gone out the window in most movies.
Washington, though, came to Christ a couple of years ago and has recounted how he felt the presence of the Holy Ghost.
Perhaps Hollywood is on the verge of a religious renewal. It’s not so hard to accept that our Creator and Sustainer might seek to renew our film industry. The casting couch is out,
After all, one of the great revival movements in American history began in Los Angeles, the Azusa Street revivals of 1906-08. Word spread after Pastor William Seymour

and seven other men reported that they were knocked from their chairs by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Pastor Seymour